As a general rule, we don’t offer the first interview ‘free’. This is for a number of very good reasons.
Ask yourself this question: Why would a well-qualified and experienced professional, who normally charges in excess of $300 per hour, offer to give you their valuable time for ‘free’?
The answer to this question is very simple. They hope to get you into their office, and identify an issue they can then charge you for at some later date.
So how objective is the advice you receive in that first ‘free’ meeting likely to be?
How often do you think the adviser will say they cannot help you, or you do not need their advice, or they will need to refer you to another more qualified person, or even provide you with the advice you require on the spot?
We take a different approach. Quite a few people we meet don’t actually need our advice or assistance, or only need a relatively short amount of honest and straight-forward advice. We don’t want to waste your valuable time, or ours.
So we offer a First Professional Consultation. You will meet with a highly qualified and experienced solicitor – who you will pay a reasonable fee to provide you with real, meaningful, independent and unbiased advice.
When did your specialist doctor last offer to see you for free – or offer only to charge you if they could find an illness they could treat?
Call us on 1300 654 590 or email us for unbiased and straight-forward answers to your legal issues.
The information contained in this post is current at the date of editing – 24 November 2023.