You have put a lot of time and effort into growing your business. Your commitment has paid off, and your business is thriving. As your business has developed, you have realised that the business set up is no longer optimal. Perhaps you need to make changes to your legal structure to maximise tax-efficiency and ensure your assets are appropriately protected. Perhaps you want to bring new business partners on board. Or perhaps you are considering selling your business, and want to ensure that things are set up so that the business will hold maximum appeal to prospective purchasers.
Maryke will guide you to review your current business structure, understand and clarify your goals and identify strategies to attain those goals. She will then help you put those strategies into action with a clear plan from beginning to end, ensuring that you get a successful outcome.
To get started, call Maryke for an initial no-obligation chat on 1300 654 590.
At the end of this call, she will book in a time to walk you through the strategies in more detail. She will summarise the agreed plan in writing with a quote, and then implement that plan.
Maryke has worked with many business and property owners to help them achieve their goals. Maryke’s dedication to strict rule-adherence in board games (much to the chagrin of some family and friends!) combined with her interest in playing flute mean that Maryke is well-placed to tackle problems methodically, with a combination of attention to detail and creativity.
Contact details
- Mobile: 0449 594 339
- Email:
- Reception: 1300 654 590
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours), Monash University
- Bachelor of Music, Monash University
- Admitted to the Supreme Court of Victoria
- Admitted to the Supreme Court of South Australia
- Admitted to the High Court of Australia
Professional memberships
- Law Society of South Australia
- Law Institute of Victoria