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Booklet: Special Disability Trusts (SDT) (Chapter 9 – Are there beneficial taxation consequences?)
Below is Chapter 9 of our 'Special Disability Trusts' booklet. To read the other chapters of our booklet, click the links below: Chapter 1 - What is an SDT? Chapter 2 - What are the requirements of an SDT? Chapter 3 - What can an SDT pay for? Chapter 4 - What are the...
Booklet: Special Disability Trusts (SDT) (Chapter 13 – Summary)
Below is Chapter 13 of our 'Special Disability Trusts' booklet. To read the other chapters of our booklet, click the links below: Chapter 1 - What is an SDT? Chapter 2 - What are the requirements of an SDT? Chapter 3 - What can an SDT pay for? Chapter 4 - What are the...
Booklet: Special Disability Trusts (SDT) (Chapter 12 – What are the ongoing obligations of an SDT?)
Below is Chapter 12 of our 'Special Disability Trusts' booklet. To read the other chapters of our booklet, click the links below: Chapter 1 - What is an SDT? Chapter 2 - What are the requirements of an SDT? Chapter 3 - What can an SDT pay for? Chapter 4 - What are the...
Booklet: Special Disability Trusts (SDT) (Chapter 11 – Are there any investment restrictions on a SDT?)
Below is Chapter 11 of our 'Special Disability Trusts' booklet. To read the other chapters of our booklet, click the links below: Chapter 1 - What is an SDT? Chapter 2 - What are the requirements of an SDT? Chapter 3 - What can an SDT pay for? Chapter 4 - What are the...
Booklet: Special Disability Trusts (SDT) (Chapter 10 – What are the administrative requirements of a special disability trust?)
Below is Chapter 10 of our 'Special Disability Trusts' booklet. To read the other chapters of our booklet, click the links below: Chapter 1 - What is an SDT? Chapter 2 - What are the requirements of an SDT? Chapter 3 - What can an SDT pay for? Chapter 4 - What are the...
Booklet: Special Disability Trusts (SDT) (Chapter 8 – What is the effect of the assets test assessment exemption?)
Below is Chapter 8 of our 'Special Disability Trusts' booklet. To read the other chapters of our booklet, click the links below: Chapter 1 - What is an SDT? Chapter 2 - What are the requirements of an SDT? Chapter 3 - What can an SDT pay for? Chapter 4 - What are the...
Booklet: Special Disability Trusts (SDT) (Chapter 7 – What is the effect of the ‘gifting concession’?)
Below is Chapter 7 of our 'Special Disability Trusts' booklet. To read the other chapters of our booklet, click the links below: Chapter 1 - What is an SDT? Chapter 2 - What are the requirements of an SDT? Chapter 3 - What can an SDT pay for? Chapter 4 - What are the...
Booklet: Special Disability Trusts (SDT) (Chapter 6 – What are the advantages of an SDT?)
Below is Chapter 6 of our 'Special Disability Trusts' booklet. To read the other chapters of our booklet, click the links below: Chapter 1 - What is an SDT? Chapter 2 - What are the requirements of an SDT? Chapter 3 - What can an SDT pay for? Chapter 4 - What are the...
Booklet: Special Disability Trusts (SDT) (Chapter 5 – Do you need medical reports confirming the disability?)
Below is Chapter 5 of our 'Special Disability Trusts' booklet. To read the other chapters of our booklet, click the links below: Chapter 1 - What is an SDT? Chapter 2 - What are the requirements of an SDT? Chapter 3 - What can an SDT pay for? Chapter 4 - What are the...
Booklet: Special Disability Trusts (SDT) (Chapter 3 – What can an SDT pay for?)
Below is Chapter 3 of our 'Special Disability Trusts' booklet. To read the other chapters of our booklet, click the links below: Chapter 1 - What is an SDT? Chapter 2 - What are the requirements of an SDT? Chapter 4 - What are the eligibility criteria of an intended...
Solution briefs
Solution brief: Guide to probate in South Australia
The who, what, why and when to probate in South Australia.
Solution Brief: Unit trusts
A ‘unit trust’ is a commonly used structure for ‘pooling money’ and holding investment assets, particularly property. They are sometimes used for carrying on a small business, but this is less common. What is a unit trust? A ‘trust’ is a legal relationship between at...
Solution Brief: Leveraged Trusts
A hybrid trust is a structure for holding investments when you want to access enhanced “asset protection” and “negative gearing”. A hybrid trust is an alternative to both a standard “discretionary” or “family” trust, which generally do not allow negative gearing in...
Solution Brief: Discretionary Trusts
When used appropriately, a Discretionary Trust offers a number of potential advantages, including: “Asset protection”, meaning that assets held within a Discretionary Trust have a degree of protection from unwarranted claims made against persons associated with the...
Solution Brief: Avoid Surcharge Land Tax in NSW
What is surcharge land tax? In NSW, land tax is a tax on land you own at midnight on 31 December of the previous year. Surcharge land tax applies to residential land owned by a foreign person at midnight on 31 December of the previous year. Revenue NSW administers and...
Solution Brief: Why you need an enduring attorney for your SMSF
The trustee of your SMSF is all-powerful. The trustee decides how much money you can put in the fund, who else can join, how your money is invested, how much gets paid out to you and when, and finally who gets what’s left over when you die. This is why you are...
Solution Brief: Super Death Benefit Nominations
This information sheet discusses why you need to think about what happens to your super when you die People have more and more of their wealth tied up in super. People are also keeping money in super for longer during retirement – taking a super ‘pension’ rather than...
Solution Brief: Self-Managed Superannuation Fund Investment Rules
A guide to what your SMSF can, and cannot, invest in. Background Superannuation is an enforced saving scheme to move toward an overall scenario where Australian workers put aside a portion of their income so that they can self-fund their retirement, rather than...
Solution Brief: Powers of attorney for SMSF members and trustees
This Solution Brief discusses what you can do to safeguard your super benefits if you lose capacity as a member and trustee of an SMSF Planning for the unexpected is never pleasant. However, when your hard-earned super benefits are at stake, our view that it’s better...
Solution Brief: Single Member SMSFs
This solution brief discusses your options for appointing a trustee for your self-managed super fund, and what happens if you lose mental capacity, die, or leave the country. Single member funds A self-managed super fund can have 1 member, but care needs to be taken...
Video Posts
Estate Planning: Superannuation
Join our team as we answer your FAQs about superannuation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHpkKGimEm0&list=PL9OZYlmMxihoQYxYHDQcDiVeB6R7yPVtb&index=2 If you want to read a written version of these FAQs, click here. To watch the rest of our Estate...
Estate Planning: Estate Administration
Join our Andreyev Lawyers team as we answer your FAQs about estate administration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tly-rX9_Ew&list=PL9OZYlmMxihoQYxYHDQcDiVeB6R7yPVtb&index=3 If you want to read a written version of these FAQs, click here. To watch the...
Estate Planning: Financial Decision Making and Medical & Lifestyle Decision Making
Join our team as we answer your FAQs about financial decision making and medical & lifestyle decision making. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEQB5-F7NYo&list=PL9OZYlmMxihoQYxYHDQcDiVeB6R7yPVtb&index=4 If you want to read a written version of these FAQs,...
Estate Planning: Challenges to a Will
Join our team as we answer your FAQs about challenges to a Will. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27VmU3nrVJA&list=PL9OZYlmMxihoQYxYHDQcDiVeB6R7yPVtb&index=5 If you want to read a written version of these FAQs, click here. To watch the rest of our Estate...
Estate Planning: Wills
Join our team as we answer your FAQs about Wills. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REAy-R_vkJw&list=PL9OZYlmMxihoQYxYHDQcDiVeB6R7yPVtb&index=6 If you want to read a written version of these FAQs, click here. To watch the rest of our Estate Planning series: The...
Estate Planning: The Importance of Estate Planning
Join our Andreyev Lawyers team as we answer your FAQs about the importance of Estate Planning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0VAP1iZapw If you want to read a written version of these FAQs, click here. To watch the rest of our Estate Planning series: Wills...
VideoPost: Succession Planning
This VideoPost is a recording of our 'Succession Strategies and Estate Planning' seminar, which we presented to clients on Kangaroo Island in July 2022. This seminar will be most helpful for business and farming families, but it will also be useful for anyone wanting...
VideoPost: ‘Open to Partnerships’ – Going into business with others
This VideoPost is a 3 part series on the tips and traps of going into business with others.
VideoPost: How to Buy or Sell a Business – ‘a tour de force’
This VideoPost is a five part series on how to buy or sell a business. This VideoPost provides a mix of broad commercial principles, as well as some detail around the key legal issues you should be thinking about.
VideoPost: ‘Bullet-Proof’ Your Business – Asset Protection
This VideoPost is a six part series on practical asset protection strategies for entrepreneurs and their businesses.
Andreyev Lawyers chats with Tax Talks about Property Development 101
How would you structure a property development project for tax purposes? Not that you would ever structure something just for tax. Of course tax is just one factor of many you need to consider. In this episode let’s look at the basics. What types of developers are...
Andreyev Lawyers chats with Tax Talks about Subdivision of Land
If you want to sell parts of your land, you need to subdivide. But when you do this subdivision of land, what happens taxwise? When does CGT event K4 apply? Can you retain the main residence exemption? And when would your property development be a profit making scheme...
Andreyev Lawyers chats with Tax Talks about Asset Protection Silos
How should you structure a multi-project business for asset protection? Let’s say you are a builder with several construction projects. Or in hospitality with several restaurants and cafes. Or a retail chain with various locations. Or in agriculture with several...
How can you protect your personal assets from creditors, the ATO and so on? How can you reduce the risk? Andrew Andreyev will tell you how and discuss the five layers of asset protection with you. You can listen to our insights here or below. You can read more about...
Andreyev Lawyers chats with Tax Talks about asset protection trusts
An asset protection trust (aka equity split) does not give you 100% protection but it helps. In another episode, we already touched on asset protection trusts as the fifth layer of asset protection. In this episode, Andrew Andreyev drills deeper into this. You can...
Andrew Andreyev chats with Tony Catt about family succession and conflict
If you are a family advisor or you are personally thinking about how you can keep family harmony in check when the next generation of your family steps up to the plate, this episode is a must-listen for you.
In this interview Andrew talks about a wide range of topics, including how he got a start in law and accounting, how he runs a firm with offices in Sydney and Adelaide, fixed fee pricing and scope creep, his management style, rare watches and private jets! The...
Hear Andrew Andreyev on ABC Radio 891 Drive-time in Adelaide discuss what to do when you disagree with the Tax Man.
Hear Andrew Andreyev on ABC Radio 891 Drive-time in Adelaide discuss when and how a Will may be challenged.
Hear Andrew Andreyev on ABC Radio 891 Drive-time in Adelaide discuss the differences between ’employees’ and ‘independent contractors’.
Book Reviews
Learning how to learn
We think ‘learning how to learn’ is perhaps the most important meta skill you can acquire. Why – because effective learning enables you to effectively respond to change – and your ability to respond to change is the number one (and perhaps only) thing that will determine your longer term success.
Read moreThe importance of mistakes and errors in achieving high performance
The benefit of errors
I have been reading a series of books about what at first appeared to be unrelated topics. Neuroscience, talent (or the lack thereof), checklists, decision-making, and high performance teams. While not a common theme on the face of each book – an underlying principle in all of them is the importance of mistakes and errors.
Read moreDo you have a good memory? Have you ever sat at your desk trying to remember your login password? Stood in the corner of a room trying to avoid eye contact with someone whose name you cannot remember. Is it getting better, or worse?
Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer
Do you have a good memory? Have you ever sat at your desk trying to remember your login password? Stood in the corner of a room trying to avoid eye contact with someone whose name you cannot remember. Is it getting better, or worse? If you are like me, when you hear...
Jerry Maguire (1996)
By definition, and depending upon who you're talking to, `Success' can be measured in a number of different ways. It's winning the competition, celebrating a Golden Wedding Anniversary or, to many, just making the most money. The first two are absolutes; you win and...
Read moreHow we lie to everyone – especially ourselves.
The (Honest) Truth about Dishonesty, by Dan Ariely
How we lie to everyone – especially ourselves. ‘Behavioural economics’ is basically the study of how humans really act, as opposed to how we think we act, or think we should act. Most of Western philosophy and social science (including law) is based on the notion that...