by Andreyev Lawyers | 1 - 138, 1 - Start, expand and raise capital for your enterprise, exblog
How much is the ASIC fee to set up a company in Australia?
by Andreyev Lawyers | 12 - 81, exblog
Is there any CGT or stamp duty when a joint tenant transfers their interest to the other joint tenant?
by Andreyev Lawyers | 12 - 81, exblog
Yes. Duty of $500 is payable on the deed that establishes a family discretionary trust (and other forms of trusts).
by Andreyev Lawyers | 12 - 81, exblog
No. It is no longer necessary to stamp a trust deed in South Australia.
by Andreyev Lawyers | 8 - 264, 8 - Pass on your wealth (including EP), exblog
The short answer is, no. There is no law or regulation that has that effect. It may be that the terms of your super fund deed provide for this to occur. However, most super fund deeds that we have come across do not. See Ioppolo v Conti WASC 389 and Wooster v Morris...
by Andreyev Lawyers | 12 - 81, exblog
In South Australia you can transfer a property from a company to the shareholders of the company without paying stamp duty. The exemption is found is section 71(5)(a) of the Stamp Duties Act 1923 (SA). It does not matter who the shareholders are. For example, the...