If you’re holding cash, you’re probably worrying about the value of money being debased. If you hold stocks, you’re worried about what companies and industries are going to be permanently disrupted. If you’re holding bonds, you’re annoyed at the low returns, and worried about the return of inflation. Property would be great, if not for those pesky tenants.
After you’re slayed those dragons, then comes the Tax Man, unjust law suits, family claims, and finally old age.
It’s really hard to create wealth. The problem is, it’s even harder to keep it.
Is it worth it?
You bet it is.
No matter how you are building your wealth, or where you choose to store it, we can assist you maintain control, minimize the impact of taxation, and protect it from unjust claims.
We also have unique experience in assisting people raise capital and pool their wealth with others to take on more ambitious projects.
For a no-obligation chat about how we can work with you to build and protect your wealth, call us now on 1300 654 590 or email us.
A clear path forward
We follow a straight forward process to become part of your family’s wealth building and preservation team:
- First, we take the time to get to know a bit about you. We’ll have an initial chat on the phone to find out what your key concerns and objectives are. You’ll talk with an experienced lawyer from the first phone call.
- After our call we will send your some follow up information, and ask you to send back some further background material. We may also have an initial chat with your accountant and financial adviser. We will book in a face-to-face meeting to fill in any remaining details, but we are just as happy working with you over email or Zoom.
- After reviewing all of the background materials in hand, we will assess what needs to be done and provide you with a proposal for an initial scope of work. This will include a fixed quote or fee-cap to guide you to a clear outcome. If you’re happy to proceed, we then get to work alongside you.
At the end of this process you’ll have a great lawyer on your wealth building team. You’ll be able to move forward with confidence.
Whether you are building a valuable business investing your money, utilising superannuation, buying property or raising or pooling capital, call us on 1300 654 590 or email us to find out how we can help. We appreciate how hard it is to accumulate wealth, let us help you protect your wealth.
Things we can help you with:
Your trusts
There are good reasons why people hold significant wealth within discretionary family trusts.
A clear path to asset protection >>
Your Superannuation
Super remains a key component in strategic wealth accumulation and preservation.
A clear path to a secure retirement >>
Your property
Property is unique in that it can be both a great source of wealth, as well as an ideal place to store wealth.
A clear path to straight-forward transactions >>
Estate planning
Most of us our building wealth not only for ourselves, but also to foster the next generation (and the generation after that). Doing this well takes careful planning.
A clear path to peace of mind >>