Louise Craven

Business owners enter into lots of agreements – partnership agreements, shareholder agreements, goods and services contracts, employment agreements, leases, loan agreements, bank guarantees etc. etc. … You might be wondering, does the agreement I just signed say what I think it does’? Are my rights protected? Are my responsibilities clearly defined? Am I going to get paid? What happens if something goes wrong? You are right to be concerned, it’s a lack of clarity about these things that results in people ending up in court.

Louise will guide you through the process of putting in place the right agreement, whether it’s an agreement we prepare for you, or review on your behalf. If you find yourself in a business dispute, Louise will provide you with a clear path to a successful conclusion, either by negotiation or litigation.

To get started, call Louise an initial no-obligation chat on 1300 654 590.

At the end of this call she will book in a time to walk you through our advice and strategies in more detail. She will summarise the agreed plan in writing with a quote, and then implement it.

As a Principal of our firm with a primary-schooler at home, Louise is not one to waste time. She understands that you have lots of things to get on with too, and she wants to help you achieve them. She has over a decade of experience helping business owners and wealthy individuals move confidently into the future.

Contact details


Professional memberships

Member of the Law Society of SA
Member of the Notaries’ Society of South Australia
Member of the Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners (STEP), South Australia