Hear Andrew Andreyev on ABC Radio 891 Drive-time in Adelaide discuss the pros and cons of buying property with family and friends.
Call us on 1300 654 590 or email us if you would like some guidance or advice about buying property with others.
Click here to find out more about our Property services.
Some super useful resources!
Check out these useful resources about owning property with others:
- Buying a property with others – what to include in your Co-Ownership Agreement
- What are my options for owning and managing property jointly? How can I avoid disputes with my co-owner?
- Co-Ownership Agreements v Binding Financial Agreements – buying a property with your other-half
- Podcast: Buying property with family and friends – property co-ownership
- Forcing a sale of property in NSW
- Forcing a sale of property in SA
- We also think this detailed article is worth reading: Co-buying property with friends
The information contained in this post is current at the date of editing – 23 February 2023.