by Ico Ho | 8 - 264, 8 - 265, 8 - 266, 8 - 267, 8 - 330, 8 - 339, 8 - 61, 8 - Pass on your wealth (including EP), VideoPosts
Join our Andreyev Lawyers team as we answer your FAQs about the importance of Estate Planning. If you want to read a written version of these FAQs, click here. To watch the rest of our Estate Planning series: Wills Challenges to a Will Financial Decision Making and...
by Ico Ho | 6 - 287, 6 - Build and protect your wealth (including trusts), 8 - 264, 8 - 267, 8 - Pass on your wealth (including EP)
We have said several times that super is not part of your estate – so you may be wondering why on earth superannuation is featuring as part of our EP FAQ series. There’s only one thing to do if you’re curious – read on! Why do I need to think...
by Ico Ho | 8 - 264, 8 - 265, 8 - 267, 8 - 339, 8 - Pass on your wealth (including EP)
Welcome to our EP FAQ series, where we’ve gathered up some of our most frequently asked questions (and answers!) about estate planning. This series is perfect for anybody thinking about completing their estate planning documents for the first time or individuals...
by Ico Ho | 8 - 264, 8 - 265, 8 - 266, 8 - 267, 8 - 330, 8 - 339, 8 - 61, 8 - Pass on your wealth (including EP), Solution Brief
The most under-rated legal document of all time Try changing your phone company when your spouse is in a coma – or even getting a current balance on your electricity bill. If your spouse’s name is on the title to the property, and you do not have an...
by Ico Ho | 8 - 264, 8 - 265, 8 - 266, 8 - 267, 8 - 330, 8 - 339, 8 - 61, 8 - Pass on your wealth (including EP), Solution Brief
Who will make decisions about your health and welfare when you can’t? An Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker is a legal document that enables you to appoint someone to make medical and lifestyle decisions on your behalf when you are unable to. ...
by Ico Ho | 6 - 287, 6 - 288, 6 - 289, 6 - 290, 6 - 291, 6 - 320, 6 - Build and protect your wealth (including trusts), 8 - 264, 8 - 265, 8 - 266, 8 - 267, 8 - 330, 8 - 339, 8 - 61, 8 - Pass on your wealth (including EP), Solution Brief
Your estate planning documents are the key to ensuring your estate is managed smoothly and in accordance with your wishes. This covers the time from when you may lose your mental capacity, to after your death when your estate passes to the people you have selected to...