by Bailey Selth | 1 - Start, expand and raise capital for your enterprise, 2 - Run and manage your business (general commercial), 35 - Manage and incentivise your team (employment law), 5- Get your finances in order (loans, leases and security), 6 - Build and protect your wealth (including trusts), 8 - Pass on your wealth (including EP), 9 - Deal with a deceased estate (Administration)
With the coming of a new year come new ideas, plans and goals. Sometimes these may come about because of a change in circumstances and needs. In other cases, these may be a necessary undertaking due to a change in law, regulation or requirements. Here are some legal issues that we think will be hot issues in 2025 and our tips to help you navigate them.
by Bailey Selth | 1 - 302, 1 - Start, expand and raise capital for your enterprise, Uncategorized
Do you provide advice or influence decisions in a company without a formal director title? You could be a ‘shadow’ or ‘de facto’ director, exposing yourself to significant personal liability that could jeopardise your asset protection strategies.
by Ico Ho | 1 - 315, 1 - Start, expand and raise capital for your enterprise, Solution Brief
Irrespective of why or how, raising money in Australia is a heavily regulated activity, with severe penalties for people who don’t play by the rules. There are rules for both the party raising the money, as well as those assisting them. People seek to raise capital...
by Ico Ho | 1 - 312, 1 - Start, expand and raise capital for your enterprise, Solution Brief
When people go into business together, it is common for them to enter into a Shareholders’ Agreements to govern how they will own and administer their company. Our preference is to use a company’s Constitution as the primary instrument to regulate the affairs of a...
by Andreyev Lawyers | 1 - 138, 1 - Start, expand and raise capital for your enterprise, 2 - 113, 2 - Run and manage your business (general commercial)
The ATO’s ‘debt holiday’ is well and truly over, and it has moved past the warning phase and has been issuing a steady stream of director penalty notices (DPNs). As an accountant, there is a fair chance you act as the registered office for your client’s company. ...
by Andreyev Lawyers | 1 - 138, 1 - Start, expand and raise capital for your enterprise
You must understand the full implications of the share structure you adopt in your companies. How you set your companies up will have a material impact on the commercial control, commercial return, tax, asset protection and estate planning outcomes you achieve.