What legal issues do you need to look out for in 2025?

What legal issues do you need to look out for in 2025?

With the coming of a new year come new ideas, plans and goals. Sometimes these may come about because of a change in circumstances and needs. In other cases, these may be a necessary undertaking due to a change in law, regulation or requirements. Here are some legal issues that we think will be hot issues in 2025 and our tips to help you navigate them. 

Attention accountants. Don’t get blamed by your client when a DPN goes to the wrong address

Attention accountants. Don’t get blamed by your client when a DPN goes to the wrong address

The ATO’s ‘debt holiday’ is well and truly over, and it has moved past the warning phase and has been issuing a steady stream of director penalty notices (DPNs). As an accountant, there is a fair chance you act as the registered office for your client’s company. ...