by Andreyev Lawyers | Blog, Other stuff
As a general rule, Budgets try to please as many people as possible, and upset as few as possible. This strategy is even more important for a Budget in an election year – when short-term memories are still likely to be working on polling day.
by Andreyev Lawyers | Marketing, Newsletter Published
You would think this is obvious. Some of us can still remember our first school savings account with the State Bank, pink piggybank and all… But when you start involving companies, trusts and partnerships, things can get a little more complicated.
by Andreyev Lawyers | Blog, Business philosophy, Marketing, Newsletter Published
There really is only one sustainable career or endeavour – commoditisation. This is the work of taking something requiring high levels of knowledge, experience and creativity, and turning it into something that a novice can easily do for themselves, for free. If you want to maintain and grow your real value over an extended period, that is it. There is nothing else.