by Andreyev Lawyers | 8 - 264, 8 - 265, 8 - 266, 8 - 339, 8 - 61, 8 - Pass on your wealth (including EP)
Deciding to get married is a big emotional decision. But it’s also a massive legal and financial decision. Asset ownership, asset protection, super, life insurance, decision making, estate planning and family financial support, all need to be carefully considered to provide a solid legal foundation for a successful life together.
by Andreyev Lawyers | 8 - 61, 8 - Pass on your wealth (including EP), Blog, Individual Interest, Marketing, Newsletters
People are more aware – and wary – than ever of family law issues in relation to their assets. More and more couples seek binding financial agreements to protect their assets, or put off living together or marrying to minimise their financial exposure.
by Andreyev Lawyers | 6 - 351, 6 - 376, 6 - Build and protect your wealth (including trusts), Advisor Interest, Individual Interest, Instruction Forms, Newsletters, Resources
You’ve decided that a Financial Agreement is right for you. So what happens next?
by Andreyev Lawyers | 6 - 351, 6 - Build and protect your wealth (including trusts), Advisor Interest, Facebook Published, Individual Interest, LinkedIn Published, Marketing, Newsletter Published, Newsletters, Twitter Published
A ‘Binding Financial Agreement’ is a way for couples to put in writing what they would like to happen to their property if their relationship breaks down, or if their relationship has already broken down and can avoid costly disputes.