Some less obvious observations about the 1 July super changes…

Some less obvious observations about the 1 July super changes…

As most people now know, from 1 July 2017 the amount a super fund member can have in a pension account will be capped at $1.6 million. There has been a lot of general commentary on these changes, but little deeper analysis of the details.

How do I protect my ‘ideas’?

How do I protect my ‘ideas’?

Most people realise the importance of protecting their Intellectual Property. But ‘ideas’ and ‘concepts’ aren’t a form of IP, as there is no ‘property’ capable of being protected. Don’t despair, there are ways to protect and exploit your interests.

I’m setting up a not-for-profit organisation. What’s the best structure to use?

I’m setting up a not-for-profit organisation. What’s the best structure to use?

We are commonly asked what’s the best structure to use when setting up a new charity or other ‘not-for-profit’ (NFP) organisation. While incorporated associations and public companies limited by guarantee are often suitable, they are not the only options, and there is no easy ‘one size fits all’ answer.