A life-changing ‘chocolate coated’ deal
As a lawyer, you really savour the great deals you get to assist great clients with. Find out about just such a deal we recently had the fortune of being entrusted with.
As a lawyer, you really savour the great deals you get to assist great clients with. Find out about just such a deal we recently had the fortune of being entrusted with.
If you’re thinking of selling your business, we bet there are 2 key outcomes you are looking for:
1. Getting the highest purchase price possible; and
2. Being able to make a clean break from the business, so you can think about something else (and maybe even relax or take a holiday).
These outcomes are both realistic and achievable, but it will take some planning before you put the business up for sale.
Dealing with employees and their entitlements as part of a business sale or acquisition is not straight-forward. There are plenty of traps and tricks for the uninitiated. Find out what you need to know.
Andreyev Lawyers really went above and beyond the call of duty — we could not fault them in any way.