by Andreyev Lawyers | 35 - 301, 35 - Manage and incentivise your team (employment law), Marketing, Newsletter Published
Picture this:
You are a small business owner.
After getting through the first five years of trade, you are starting to see returns on the time, emotion and finances that you have invested into the business.
Then a document comes in the mail and your fortune turns on its head. You are faced with a claim by a former employee and you realise your business is faced with an unexpected liability worth thousands of dollars. All due to a clause nested in a Modern Award that you had simply overlooked or misunderstood.
Here’s how to avoid becoming that business.
by Andreyev Lawyers | 35 - 301, 35 - Manage and incentivise your team (employment law)
As a business owner, you trust your employees to be honest. It’s therefore every employer’s worst fear to find out that an employee has been stealing from you. But what if then, that employee sues you, and your lawyer tells you that employee has a case?
by Andreyev Lawyers | 35 - 301, 35 - Manage and incentivise your team (employment law)
You may have noticed that ‘flexibility’ has become the new buzz word for Australian workplaces. Most of the popular focus has been on the benefits that flexibility provides to workers, rather than employers. As an employer, you may only just be keeping up with all of...
by Andreyev Lawyers | 35 - 301, 35 - Manage and incentivise your team (employment law), Business Interest, Newsletters
In this article, we will discuss some of the critical clauses that are often missing from basic employment documents. We will cover what each critical clause does and why it is important, and the potential consequences of not including the clause in your employment documents.
by Andreyev Lawyers | 35 - 301, 35 - Manage and incentivise your team (employment law), Business Interest, Facebook Published, LinkedIn Published, Marketing, Newsletter Published, Newsletters, Resources, Twitter Published
Our gift to you is our Work Communications Policy, which is designed to be a set of fundamental rules for an SME to adopt internally to ensure that the quality of its communications is regulated. Click on the link to download a copy of the Policy to adopt in your workplace today.
by Andreyev Lawyers | 35 - 301, 35 - Manage and incentivise your team (employment law), Business Interest, Facebook Published, LinkedIn Published, Marketing, Newsletter Published, Newsletters, Recruitment, Twitter Published
LinkedIn and other social media networking sites have their uses, and can be good for ‘profile’ building. But the question is – can you afford to lose control of your business contacts and spend time building value for another business, the social media site?