eSports: Are you thinking of entering the sponsorship game?
If you’ve been sponsoring sports teams and events as part of your marketing spend – maybe it’s time to move to warp speed, and consider eSports! The world is your virtual oyster.
Keeping software simple
You can’t please everyone, and most of the time you shouldn’t try to.
How to effectively limit your liability
Limitation of liability clauses are a great way for parties to a contract to limit, manage or allocate risk between them.
Take-it or leave-it (or perhaps ‘void-it’)? Some things to consider in your Website Development Agreements
Website developers understand very clearly the notion of the ‘information architecture’ of a website, yet not all of them get it when it comes to the architecture of the service agreement they enter with their clients
What should be in a ‘Heads of Agreement’?
Businesses often enter into ‘heads of agreement’, ‘letters of intent’, or a ‘memorandum of understanding’ in the course of negotiating a deal, often without input from a lawyer. So which of these are binding, and which aren’t?