Andreyev Lawyers chats with Tax Talks about an unfair contract terms case study
In a recent episode of Tax Talks, Andreyev Lawyers walked you through the history of Australian Consumer Law unfair contract term provisions and gave you some practical tips about managing your standard form contracts. You can listen to our insights here. In this...
Andreyev Lawyers chats with Tax Talks about Unfair contract terms
Business owners should be aware of the recent changes to Australian Consumer Law that have focused on Unfair Contract Terms. What is an unfair contract term? When do the new provisions apply? And what can you do to ensure your business complies? In an episode of Tax...
Private and Confidential
So you want send a message to someone, but you don’t want anyone else to read it, and you also don’t want the recipient to tell anyone else what you have said. Is writing ‘Private and Confidential’ on the correspondence, enough?

Can you get out of a standard-form contract?
So you’re in a contract you want to get out of and not sure what do to. Terminating an agreement is never easy, but there are some practical steps you can take.

Is your dental practice in need of a brush and floss?
We have a lot of dentist clients who have downed tools during the Level 3 restrictions. One thing they have in common is that they’re making lemonade out of lemons and getting their practices ‘shipshape’ for when the restrictions are downgraded back to Level 1 or 2. If this sounds like you, read on!