Is your dental practice in need of a brush and floss?
We have a lot of dentist clients who have downed tools during the Level 3 restrictions. One thing they have in common is that they’re making lemonade out of lemons and getting their practices ‘shipshape’ for when the restrictions are downgraded back to Level 1 or 2. If this sounds like you, read on!

Thinking of buying a hotel or pub? Read this first.
Like any business, hotels have several moving ‘parts’ that need to work together so that the machine runs smoothly. If you are thinking of buying a hotel or similar hospitality business, make sure you are familiar with these unique features before you sign on the dotted line.
VideoPost: How to Buy or Sell a Business – ‘a tour de force’
This VideoPost is a five part series on how to buy or sell a business. This VideoPost provides a mix of broad commercial principles, as well as some detail around the key legal issues you should be thinking about.