by Andreyev Lawyers | 2 - 115, 2 - 12, 2 - Run and manage your business (general commercial), 34 - 140, 34 - Protect and exploit your IP
So you want send a message to someone, but you don’t want anyone else to read it, and you also don’t want the recipient to tell anyone else what you have said. Is writing ‘Private and Confidential’ on the correspondence, enough?
by Andreyev Lawyers | 2 - 115, 2 - Run and manage your business (general commercial)
Are you protecting your employee’s personal information? If not, you may be breaching your obligations under the Privacy Act 1988.
by Andreyev Lawyers | 2 - 115, 2 - Run and manage your business (general commercial), exblog
ADLV Law (we, us and our) provides legal services and related information including on our website located at (Website). This Privacy Policy explains our approach to dealing with your Personal Information. We set out how we collect, hold, manage and...
by Andreyev Lawyers | 2 - 115, 2 - Run and manage your business (general commercial), Marketing, Newsletter Published
We’ve all heard about the increasing prevalence of data ‘breaches’ and ‘hackings’. Some well-publicised examples include: The hacking of Microsoft’s Business Productivity Online Suite in 2010; The theft and publication of 6 million user passwords from LinkedIn in...
by Andreyev Lawyers | 2 - 115, 2 - Run and manage your business (general commercial)
We are often asked what rights an employer has to require their employees to undergo a medical assessment or provide their medical records. The answer is usually not straightforward, as there are some serious personal and privacy issues to consider. The question comes down to striking a balance.