Andreyev Lawyers third quarterly update 2023
The year is rapidly closing in on us, and the last quarter whipped past in a flash. It feels like only yesterday that we celebrated the success of the last financial year with special team lunches in Sydney and Adelaide. Want to know what kept us so busy in the last...
Andreyev Lawyers second quarterly update 2023
It is hard to believe that a quarter has passed since we last shared a firm-wide update with you. The end of the last financial year came and went in a flash, and we are settling into the start of the new financial year with fresh minds and optimism about the year to...
Andreyev Lawyers first quarterly update 2023
It has been a busy start to the year for our team! As another quarter has come and gone, we thought we would share some of the highlights and updates: Giving back to our community Giving back to our community is one of our firm’s core values. This quarter, we have...
Congratulations to Sam Johnson!
Congratulations to Sam Johnson who was recently admitted to the Supreme Court of NSW in December 2022.

Our top legal issues to look out for in 2023
It feels like an unbelievably short time has passed since we last summarised the top legal issues you would be facing in 2022. As another year zooms into focus you may be curious about what we think has changed since the last time we shared our thoughts. Interested? Read on.